More Precious than Gold
A Devotional Gift Book
416 pages
This book is designed to help us to understand the wake-up call in God's laws and to appreciate the love He offers us through them. God's laws of love are a great gift to us, but they are also holy. We need to prize them and treat them as holy. The commands of God stand like solid rock.
Response: "Ï opened up this book, seeking God's answer to a deep question that lay within my heart. Did He want me to leave my country to serve Him full-time in a foreign country? The page I opened up to, stated clearly the answer from His heart to mine. "Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house..." (Psalm 45:10-11). I experienced like it was written, that God delighted in me, who for His sake I left all else behind in order to win Christ. The love He showed enabled me to surrender all that my heart was treasuring at the time, that was making me resistant to serving Him and leaving my own country. For this sacrifice I received the greatest treasure of all: God Himself." Norway
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