When the Heavens Opened
128 pages
As giant forces of evil and corruption prepare the springboard for anticipated final victory, creature man stands midget-like gazing helplessly at his world falling apart. The child of God turns to his Bible, seeks wisdom, understanding, comfort and strength, in preparation for this great onslaught of evil, and for the divine judgement on it that will surely follow. It is in the light of the revelation made by God to the beloved disciple John on Patmos that Mother Basilea takes up her pen. As led by the Holy Spirit, Mother Basilea focuses our attention on these coming events, which even now are casting their shadows before them. We are then shown beyond the sufferings, to the glory that will follow, to the time when that great song of eternal praise is centred on the Lamb that was slain.
Response: "Relevant, stirring, convicting, conducive to prayer, trust-building, creating a longing for that great day when the Kingdom of God ultimately prevails." Sweden
"For a whole semester I have studied the Book of Revelation, but I have never come across a perspective that spoke so deeply to my heart." Germany
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