21 pages
An address given by Mother Basilea at the New England General conference for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal held in Rhode Island, USA in 1982.
Today at the end of the ages, the greatest commission for those who love God is to comfort Him. This gives the deepest meaning to our lives. What a wonderful calling and privilege! We sinners who have lived to bring comfort and joy to Jesus out of love for Him will reign with Him for all eternity.
How can we bring comfort to Jesus?
When we bring Him tears of repentance
When we are moved by love to bear witness to Him, to stand up for Him
When we do not seek honour and glory for ourselves
When we love our cross
When we bear our cross, burdens and disappointments patiently with Jesus
When we accept His wishes and will as holy and binding for us
When we surrender our own will and desires to Him ever anew
When we trust God, the Father, on every difficult path
When we shed tears for the suffering of our God
When we love one another and live in reconciliation
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