How Can We Prepare?
34 pages
"Watch and pray" (Matthew 26:11) Jesus, in His great love for His disciples, sought to prepare them for the coming time of testing. In three predictions of His sufferings, He indicated that the hour of His crucifixion was approaching. Jesus wants to help us before it is too late. This He can do only if we realistically face up to the threat of a widespread persecution of Christians and a major world disaster. "Watch and pray!" The best part of our time should go to prayer - those who now fight out every issue in prayer and who overcome by the blood of the Lamb will then be strong in the Lord!
Response: "I was invited to be a main speaker at a conference that was about 'Preparaing for the Future'. I had a copy of 'Prayers in Preparation for the Near Future' in my brief case. I took out this booklet and held it up and shared that this is one of the most important booklets written by M. Basilea Schlink. I travel with it where ever I go, and use it in my own personal prayer times and ensure I share it with others." Christian Lawyer
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