80 pages
Mother Basilea shares that during a long stay in hospital she came to realise that, just as illnesses differ from one another, so our need for comfort varies with each illness. Some illnesses burden our souls. Other bring much bodily pain and cause great inconvenience. But each has been chosen for us personally, by our heavenly Father, out of love for us. Jesus can transform every trial and trouble into blessing, if only we trust in His love; if only we accept His will and follow His way.
Response: "When I started reading this book, I sensed the Lord handing me a key to my biggest questions! 'Jesus can transform every trial & trouble into blessing - if only….'. That sentence from Mother Basilea was my key to unlock my puzzle. I found the blessing, from that point on – over and over! Not just my body, but my soul was sick. Is there a cure? Mother Basilea’s sharing of her dialogue with God opened up the way for my healing pathway. I realised that the health of my soul was of far greater importance to the Lord than the health of my body. I found such blessing in surrendering, not resisting, as I had been doing." Australia
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